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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

NaNeN's Dedication

The cool morning breeze of May 2, 2010, didn't only herald the birth of a beautiful Sunday, it also ushered in a special day in my life; Nanen's Dedication and Thankgiving Mass.

Ok sorry. Nanen is my daughter, she was born January 31, 2010. Dedication and Thanksgiving Mass is our way of saying thank you to God for her life. It is also an opportunity to host family and friends in celebration.

The day turned out very well. All my elder sisters from Makurdi came and it was fun all the way. T2's (my wife Ngodoo is T2) aunties and cousins also showed up, so did lots of my friends. It was a fun-filled day and quite memorable.

I had feared the worst because of the people I know; I was expecting a large crowd so I was afraid I would run out of food and drinks. But thank God my fears came to naught. The crowd was just okay and the food adequate.

Turned out to be a real great day for Nanen, She was very beautiful in her pink dress and wore a cheerful look all day. My friends were all falling over themselves to hold her. Felt really proud being her daddy!

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